Grammar Floozy’s Guide to Write-ins

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why You Need a Write-in

Some days (weeks, months), words refuse to flow.

We’ve all experienced the frustration. Maybe you’re struggling now.
We try coffee, and chocolate, and walks, and nature, and maybe we even head-bang a piano like that deranged Sesame Street muppet, but—nothing.

Don Music on Youtube
Sometimes, we just need a little encouragement.

We need to know we’re not alone. 
A few years ago, I first experienced “community writing” in-person with James River Writers. We gathered in a conference room, traded candy, and wrote. I expected distraction. Instead, I found focus. 

Our 540 Write-in sessions are similar (with the unfortunate absence of “oooh, toss me a truffle–the chocolate kind”). We log on, chat for a few minutes, then mute Zoom and get to writing. And we GET. IT. DONE. Join us! 

Not convinced? Neither was I.

For months, in spite of the extrovertdrenaline pumping through my veins, skepticism prevented me from joining online write-ins. No way could an online experience live up to the in-person fabulousness. 

I was right. And I was wrong. 

Just as watching footage of a puppy will never replicate the experience of snuggling a furry friends, online experiences can’t give us everything we’d gain from being in-person. 

On the other hand, screens have long provided experiences we can’t access otherwise. (Ever watched a volcano erupt, tried to look away from Shark Week, or cringed at the finale of a cheetah chase on Marty Stouffer’s Wild America?) 

Our 540 Community offers opportunities to write alongside people we might otherwise never meet.

Writers in other states, in other countries, on other continents. Brilliant minds tethered to one location by differing physical abilities, chronic illness, jobs, or family situations. Friends willing to teach us. Friends who’d love to learn what we know. Award-winning industry leaders and the newest of newbie writers. We’re in this together. Need community? Join a 540 Write-in.

Find what you’re missing.
Let’s get to writing.

For the 540 Write-in schedule and links, sign up for 540 email notifications here.

4 thoughts on “Grammar Floozy’s Guide to Write-ins”

  1. Hello!

    I am already a 540Club member on Facebook and am receiving emails. I don’t know the write-in schedule and would like to participate on a regular basis. Where do I find the schedule?

    Leslie 🙂

  2. Hello!
    I am already a 540Club member on Facebook and am receiving emails. I don’t know the write-in schedule and would like to participate on a regular basis. Where do I find the schedule?

    Leslie 🙂

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