You Know Something I Don’t Know…

Reading Time: 3 minutes

*I know you’re waiting for Hope on Purpose, Part 2, but this came up, and I couldn’t wait to share.

If you have a sibling (or cousin, or best friend, or annoying coworker), you’ve likely heard this:

Brings back memories, right?

As the CovidCraziness has taken over, I’ve watched something incredible rise from the insanity: everyone’s hidden talents!

YOU KNOW something I DON’T KNOW!

If you don’t think you have a unique talent or skill, you’re wrong (no offense).

YOU know something I don’t know.

And I’d like to learn from you.

Like me, you may have a talent or skill you could share, but you have no idea how. Or, maybe you know exactly what to teach, but thanks to Coronavirus, you can’t reach people.

A few months ago, I wrote about how God used my friend Saundra Dalton-Smith in a crazy way to answer a prayer.

Well, He’s done it again, and I couldn’t wait to tell you about it.

I prayed for help finding a specific way to help people during quarantine, opened my email and BOOM, an email from Saundra popped up on my screen.

She’s offering a class: Launch Your 1st Course in 30 Days.


It’s workshop-style; Saundra walks us step-by-step down a path she’s already taken.

So…using my recruiting experience, I’m creating a class for job seekers: Be the Candidate Recruiters Can’t Wait to Call Back.

Creating a course is easier than you think. Trust me, if I can do it, you can.

The possibilities are endless, and aside from helping others, you can create income.

Here’s the cool part: because of Covid’s hit to the economy, Saundra’s offering her course at a whatever-you-can-pay price. Seriously. If you can only afford $5, it’s $5.

If you decide she’s amazing (she is) and you have unlimited funds (haha), feel free to pay more. But there’s seriously zero pressure.

You should check it out. Click here: 

Think about what you know. Do people ever ask you, “how did you…” or “how can I…” (fill in the blank)?

Even if other people already know how to do the thing, everyone has a different voice.

YOU can reach people. YOU can do this. And it only costs what you can afford.

YOU know something WE don’t know. Share it with us.

Been thinking about what you can do to help people or support your family? Now is YOUR time.

Sitting in your apartment watching your 1,000,000,000th cat video? Now is YOUR time.

Kids driving you crazy? Now is YOUR time. (Like, seriously.)

You wrote a book and want to create a companion course? Now is YOUR time.

Make a difference, make some money, make connections with great people.

In case you missed it the first time, click here:

I’m not sure I can do this, but I’m willing to try.

Or here:

I’m so ready for this.

Yeah, okay, you got me–both links take you to the same place. Because YOU CAN do this.

Feeling nervous? So was I. Still am.

But we’ve got this. You’re not alone. Not ever.

What’s something YOU know how to do? Share it in comments below.



Full disclosure: that’s an affiliate link above, which means I receive a percentage of your course fee. HOWEVER, a minimum of 20% of anything I earn from the affiliate link will go straight to charities like Compassion International, so you’re making a difference just by taking the course.

I only promote people in whom I fully believe and with whom I have personal experience. Saundra Dalton-Smith is the real deal. And honestly, I don’t care too much about the kickback–I REALLY believe in Saundra and her course. Telling you about this amazing opportunity is one way I can help YOU. Win-win. Don’t miss out!

#saundradaltonsmith #learning #education #courses #onlinecourses #notalone #Covid19 #notalonenotever #amlearning #amwriting