As children, we dream big about “what I’ll be when I grow up.” As teens, still dreaming, we choose an educational path. As young adults, we make decisions about education and work and family, trying to weave dreams into tangible reality. Sometime in middle-aged years, grand ideas of the legacy we’ll leave behind begin to loom large.
Given the choice to make a mark on the world, to create a change in society or history, we’d all opt to “do something amazing.”
No one dreams of isolation, of inability, of incapacity.
Many of us feel deep loss in 2020. Loss of connection, loss of stability, loss of routine, loss of family. Loss of ability to cope. Loss of control. Loss of opportunity to make a difference.
Drowning. Abandoned. Hopeless. Adrift. Alone. “The feels” suck us in like quicksand. The lies spiral us into despair.
Here is truth, my friends.
Depression is big, but God is bigger. Covid is big, but God is bigger.
God is bigger than our plans.
We all had plans. Plans to finish school, to celebrate. Plans for weddings, for vacations. Plans to keep jobs and businesses. Plans to thrive.
Now we survive, treading water.
In Jeremiah 29:11, God says, “I know the plans I have for you. Plans for good, not bad. Plans for a hope and a future.”
I hear you. “How is this possibly a good plan?
People dying, people divided.” You’re not wrong—Covid seems like a terrible plan. And I’m not saying that God “sent a plague” or decided to punish the world.
Here’s what I am saying: terrible circumstances are an opportunity for God to turn our hearts back to Him.
When things are tough, I chatter God’s ear off.
As individuals, as families, as a country, we’ve been comfortable, surrounded by shiny toys. Diversions.
In the Bible, when God wanted someone’s attention, they ended up in the desert. It’s easier to hear God with fewer distractions.
God has great plans for our lives. This is an opportunity to hand him our broken hearts and lives. He’s great at turning ashes into a phoenix.
God is bigger than our need.
We have needs. Need for a job. Need for connection. Need for food. Need for toilet paper.
But our greatest need is true stability. True family. True love. We need a connection to God.
The Bible says the only way to God is through Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 says, “Through the great riches of Christ Jesus, my God will supply everything you need.”
Use your imagination (or borrow mine, if you like):
You open your email to find a message from a Nigerian prince—and this time, your lawyer confirms it’s legit. The prince informs you that his father, a quadribillionaire, has decided to adopt. The prince chose you. Your age is irrelevant; if you accept the adoption, you’re welcome to move into the palace and you will someday inherit half the estate. Anytime you need something, you just contact the prince, and he’ll make arrangements.
Let’s say you accept the offer. Your perspective on life will likely change. Urgent needs? No sweat. My new dad will provide.
Don’t misunderstand—I’m not preaching some kind of prosperity gospel. Christians have a hard time just like anyone else. But our perspective is different, because we know the answer to “who’s your Daddy?” If we have a relationship with Jesus, our future is secure. Even when we have a temporal, physical need, our need for spiritual stability isn’t in jeopardy. And often, God does provide for our physical needs in miraculous ways.
God is bigger than our dreams.
We think we know what we want. Fame! Success! Money!—but none of these things really satisfy.
How could I know? Here’s a hint: the number of actors, successful executives and wealthy individuals who get caught up in drugs and illegal activity, succumb to depression, or commit suicide.
And the driving need for more. Can you imagine an individual with fame, success or money turning down the opportunity to double their share? Would you? Would I?
God offers us a bigger more. God can do “immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine, (Ephesians 3:20)” but sometimes He first asks us to let go of our dreams.
When we fight for the good future we think we want, it can interfere with the better future God imagines for us.
This concept is less difficult if you have (or ever were) a child.
A child would prefer to ignore online school assignments in favor of online fun. (And the Covid-exhausted parent would prefer to let him play.) But the parent knows that a decent education is the best path to success, so the parent creates an environment in which the child must learn, even though the child doesn’t see the point.
Some of God’s dreams for us involve preparation and education. We often don’t find this discipline enjoyable, but He knows what we’re going to need. And He knows that His dreams for us are immeasurably more incredible than the ones we imagine ourselves.
God is bigger than our buts.
Go ahead. Let your inner middle-schooler laugh. God is bigger than your but. He’s bigger than my but.
We have so many excuses. Don’t we? I definitely have too many buts. “But, I’m tired.” “But, I want to watch Netflix.” “But, I’m not an expert. But, I don’t have the talent. But, I might offend someone.”
When God called Moses, the first thing that guy said was, “but.” God wanted Moses to speak for Him. Moses freaks out. “But I’ve never been a good speaker.”
We want to get a little riled up at Moses. “Really? God’s speaking DIRECTLY to you, and you want to argue. With God. Seriously.”
Right? But I’ve ignored God’s little nudges too many times to get all judgy.
In Exodus 4:10-12, God didn’t expect Moses to come up with the material. He said, “I’ll even put the words right in your mouth. I just want you to represent me.” God has a comeback for all our excuses.
God is bigger, but He’s not a bully.
God is bigger than our feelings, bigger than our circumstances, bigger than our fears. He’s big enough to pull us out of the Covid mire. Big enough to save us. Big enough to love us.
If God calls us, He will prepare us. He’s promised to give us His power to get things done. He can—and will—love anyone and everyone through us, if we’ll just stop backpedaling. God will provide everything we need to work His plan and attain His dream for our lives, if we’ll quit arguing with Him.
If you’re ready to let God direct your steps, provide for your needs, take you further than you can dream and use you in spite of yourself, take a minute in a quiet place.
Talk to God. Tell Him what you need. Commit to hearing His voice, to following His plan, to eliminating excuses. He’ll listen, and He’ll help you.
How do I know? Because He took me through all this today. If you’re struggling, remember: you’re never alone. Not ever.
Good Stuff! Thank you for this blog! You are awesome!
Thanks so much for reading, Leesa!
I LOVED this Becky! Your words and truth flowed like a cool river over my hot and tired feet. Thank you, my new friend.
So glad for the chance to get to know you!!
Becky, my little gurl self is smiling at the thought and my big gurl self is soaking in the truth. Great post! Well said!
Thanks for sharing.
Smiles, BRC
Thank you, Beth! 🙂
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