Finding HOPE together. Not alone. Not ever.

Hope on Purpose Series, Part 2

Welcome back to the Hope on Purpose series! Thanks for joining us. We like you.

If you’d like to start at the beginning (which, as we all know, is a very good place to start), click here.

And because, having written the above line, I cannot get the song out of my head:

I hadn’t planned to work The Sound of Music into today’s chat, but now that we’re here… Maria (portrayed above by Julie Andrews) is a great example of today’s topic.

And yes, my fact-checking friends, I’m aware the movie changed a number of aspects for a better story. That sweeping last scene of lugging instruments over the mountains…very cinematic.

Anyway, one thing is obvious in historical archives. Real-life Maria was a driving force. She overcame a difficult childhood, abuse, and health issues. She became the magnet holding her large family together.

She chose to be positive in an incredibly difficult situation. She chose to Hope on Purpose.

Covid19 is devastating, but even so, it’s nothing in comparison to World War II. In spite of odds stacked high against her, Maria persevered. Thanks to her indomitable spirit, her family survived–and thrived.

How can we follow her example?

By choosing to hope on purpose. Requires effort? Yes. Worth it? Definitely.

But how?

Hope on Purpose Series, Part 2

You Know Something I Don’t Know…

*I know you’re waiting for Hope on Purpose, Part 2, but this came up, and I couldn’t wait to share.

If you have a sibling (or cousin, or best friend, or annoying coworker), you’ve likely heard this:

Brings back memories, right?

As the CovidCraziness has taken over, I’ve watched something incredible rise from the insanity: everyone’s hidden talents!

YOU KNOW something I DON’T KNOW!

If you don’t think you have a unique talent or skill, you’re wrong (no offense).

YOU know something I don’t know.

And I’d like to learn from you.

Like me, you may have a talent or skill you could share, but you have no idea how. Or, maybe you know exactly what to teach, but thanks to Coronavirus, you can’t reach people.

A few months ago, I wrote about how God used my friend Saundra Dalton-Smith in a crazy way to answer a prayer.

Well, He’s done it again, and I couldn’t wait to tell you about it.

You Know Something I Don’t Know…